What kind of fighting can compete with Jiu-Jitsu?

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is probably the best-known fighting style in the world. But this isn't the only way you can learn to protect yourself. You can also use other forms of martial arts, like combat sambo and muay thai . In the world of mixed martial arts, one of the most talked-about questions is whether Muay Thai can beat Jiu-Jitsu. It's been a hot topic since the first time fighters stepped into the octagon. Both are useful in street fights, but they are different in some ways. Some martial artists train in more than one style, while others are only good at one. BJJ is a grappling system for fighting on the ground that takes a lot of practice. It can be very hard to figure out. But a trainer who knows what they are doing can help a new player improve their technique. Muay Thai is a brutal and effective way to fight. It uses all eight limbs together to make a powerful attack system. Muay Thai is a very technical form of fighting, especially when it is done by the right peo...